
TYANA ADAMIDIS is a graphic designer and freelance illustrator from Melbourne. She aspires to one day be a successful artist such as Audrey Kawasaki and May Ann Licudine. Tyana has used Prisma Colour pencils on brown paper to create Furora. She aims to draw viewers to the detail and elegance of her work.

ATHEER AL-KHALFA is an Engineer from Adelaide, but reads and writes for a living. He is consistently inspired by Khalil Gibran, Charles Bukowski and Fernando Pessoa. His work has been published by the Australian Poetry Organisation and the Make Your Mark magazine of Melbourne.

PAUL ALKEMADE, an aspiring film maker and visual effects artist, is a student at RMIT University. He received the 2012 Mahoney Award for Best Visual Composition. His involvement in music has resulted in many collaborations with Melbourne-based artists, which led to the establishment of the film group Camade.

LUKE APPLEBEE completed his Professional Writing degree at VU in 2010 and regrets leaving the uni lifestyle behind. This year he founded his own copywriting agency, Word Tweak. His other interests include computer gaming, roleplaying and appeasing his wife (sometimes simultaneously). There is a Science fiction novel in perpetual development . . .

RILEY BARBER is a fourteen year old, year nine student, who is aspiring to be a writer and a journalist. She has loved writing for as long as she can remember and deeply enjoys English. She hopes she can one day be successful in her writing.

SHOSHANNA BEALE is a poet, fiction writer, blogger and freelance editor. Her poetry has been published in a variety of publications including Materiality, Alliterati Magazine, and A Lightness of Being by Poetica Christi. You can read more of her writing at

JACK BENNETT is a professional drummer and percussionist from Melbourne, whose solo act Hanzen Feet takes everyday sounds and turns them into catchy grooves, using multilayer videos. Jack runs a popular drum teaching site, which has a membership of over 100,000 drummers worldwide. Jack performs regularly around
Melbourne with many different acts.

ROBERT CAMPBELL is a bartender from the northern suburbs with a passion for craft beer. His writing is influenced by his love for of science fiction, dystopia, surrealism, dark comedy and Australiana. His biggest interests as a writer are short stories and short film.

RENEE CERNCIC is an emerging, independent freelance writer and visual artist. She loves creating artworks and writing that encompass both the elements of the written word and the visual image. She aspires to live a life capturing the beauty, mystery and ugliness of the world with a laptop and pencil.

JOHN CHABOWSKI is an international VU graduate residing in the Western Suburbs. He writes free prose poetry and short stories and currentlu is developing historical fiction ideas on the Western Suburbs and Northern California. He also works as an Education Access Worker at VU and other scholastic organisations in Melbourne.

JASON CHIN is an aspiring Pastry Chef who has a passion for photography. He believes that pastry and photography are the perfect combination of art and science with endless possibilities. Jason is able to capture and express his passion through the creativity and technicality in pastry art and photography science.

NICK COWLING is an emerging writer based in Melbourne’s Western Suburbs. Influenced by all aspects of pop-culture he integrates his passion for film and science fiction into his writing. Nick ultimately hopes to be a film critic and achieve his major goal: being able to work from home.

CAROLINE EDMUNDS-LATHAM is an Accounting student but at heart she’s a passionate artist. The girl predominantly draws and writes but also loves to sew, make jewellery, or whatever her heart craves at the time. Caroline sells her creations through her online store PakoaArt which she hopes to continue as her future career.

KATELIN FARNSWORTH is currently studying Professional Writing and Editing. She has been writing ever since she could lift a pen. She has been published in Voiceworks, Ink Sweat & Tears, and was shortlisted in the Rachel Funari Prize for Fiction earlier this year. She dreams of endless libraries.

GABRIELLA FERRARO is currently in the third year of her Bachelor of Law/Bachelor of Arts at Victoria University. She works part-time at a law firm in Sunshine, and hopes to travel the world and run her own law firm in the future.

LUCY FOSTER’S photography depicts a vibrational sense of self-reflection and observations of the external. Her initial capture is spontaneous and driven by the moment, then refined through aligning images to compliment form and colour. Photography acts as a perceptual platform, documenting her surroundings in an attempt to make sense of the odd happenings and encounters of the every day.

CRAIG FRY is a researcher and writer at Victoria University. He writes the Pushbikewriter column at The Conversation and posts cycling related photographs here and here

MICAH GARFINKEL A curious guy with a camera exploring and capturing the hidden and forgotten corners of Melbourne. He has always been fascinated by street art, skateboarding and photography though he struggles to find interest in much else. He likes to share his experiences with everyone; photography is his means of expression.

LUCIEN GRAETZ takes photos to prove that he’s actually been places and seen things. Life is so short and so much happens without anyone noticing. His hope is that he can help people appreciate this.

Born in SA, JEFF GUESS has taught English in secondary schools, TAFE,and UniSA. His first book, Leaving Maps (1984), was hailed as ‘a major collection’. Since then ten collections have been published, the most recent being Autumn in Cantabile (2011). He has written three textbooks on poetry and edited many anthologies. He has won numerous prizes.

GABRIELA HADDAD is a Melbourne-based singer, songwriter and poet who fuses R’n’B, gospel, and hip-hop to create a unique sound of her own. Using music and poetry as a form of therapeutic self-expression, her words speak to the heart of the human experience. An EP is set for release in 2015!

CRAIG HENDERSON is a prize-winning author who believes words build like streams into stories, and, leaving behind their excess baggage, join the sea of knowledge from which they were born. Craig’s work has appeared in Offset, Platform, and the collection It’s All About the Writing.

JAYDE HOLLINGWORTH is a Melbourne-based emerging artist, with an interest in metal and textile mediums. She is currently establishing herself as a Costume Designer for film and stage, as well as producing a select number of jewellery pieces for her clients.

ELEANOR HORTON is a current student at Victoria University studying a Bachelor of Applied Science to become a secondary Physical Education, Health and English teacher. She is in her final year of the degree and next year will continue her studies in a Masters of Education. Eleanor enjoys writing and reading poetry and will continue writing poetry for leisure.

PHILLIP HUNTING; actor, writer and idiot at large. His background includes a Diploma of Theatre Arts and a Bachelor of Arts in Writing. His foreground is to create great works for Aussie stage, film and radio. His inspirations are Spike Milligan and the Goons, Barry Humphries and of course, the mad world around him.

AYSE HUSEYIN is a student from Victoria University who is currently in her final year of completing a Bachelor in Education (p-12). Her story Act of Kindness explores the encounter of two strangers and sheds some light on homelessness, an issue that we tend to ignore.

SAMUEL D. HUTTON is currently studying his Bachelor of Arts at Victoria University. An avid reader and writer, he dreams of becoming a novelist. his preferref genres are science fiction, fantasy, horror and absurdist comedy.

YASEMIN ISLEK has successfully completed a Bachelor of Education at Victoria University and is currently completing her first year of a Bachelor of Creative Arts Industries. Her passion for photography, writing, dance and performing arts highlights her vibrant personality. She appreciates life’s beauty and the power of photography allows her to share this.

HARLEY JOHNSTON writes stories in between living and dreaming. The channels of memories and visions become chapters inside books of realities. The characters leap out from the page and inspire their enabler, making way into another life and a new world. Writing is dreaming and living is creating stories; he does both.

ALANA KELSALL is a Melbourne poet who also writes short stories and novels. She is currently working on a novel about her life in Japan. Her favourite pastimes are gardening and going to spoken word events. She won the Ada Cambridge Poetry Prize this year.

PATRICK KILMARTIN is twenty-four. He likes ties and symmetry. Last year he was published in Bastille, PLU Magazine and The Belleville Park Pages. This year he’s living in Sydney.

In her increasingly elusive moments of free time, KAITLYN KRAHE enjoys tunes of the rock ‘n’ roll persuasion and eye-wateringly spicy food. In the foreseeable future, she dreams of scoring a pair of Dr. Martens at a thrift store. In the more distant future, she dreams of positively impacting people’s lives as a Paramedic.

DANIEL KUNELIUS is a writer, albeit an amateur, but continues to write anyway, because he likes his stories and wants others to enjoy them too.He completed his bachelor degree and hopes that one day he'll find a place to use it.

MICHAEL LISTER; born in Swan Hill. Michael started his love for the arts at the Swan Hill Theatre Group. After finishing year twelve, Michael began his training at the University of Ballarat’s Arts Academy. Michael has been also heavily involved with his own productions for the UNI-Bums series for FRED the ALIEN.

BROOKE MIDDLETON is studying a Master of Creative Writing, Publishing and Editing at the University of Melbourne. She is currently completing her thesis exploring the different master-slave relationships throughout the Harry Potter novels. She dreams to one day have a series of children’s detective novels published.

LEIGH MCDONALD is a Melbourne-based illustrator who uses traditional mediums such as watercolour paint, pastels and graphite to bring his quirky, colourful characters and exciting pieces to life. He spends most of his time drawing and gathering inspiration from everything around him.

TONI MCDONALD has been playing music since she can remember. She has also been writing songs and music from a young age. On moving to the west of Melbourne, Toni was captivated by the street fashions of Footscray and inspired to capture this in song.

NATHALIE MCLEAN is a student at Victoria University, in her final year studying a Bachelor of Creative Arts Industries. Nathalie dreams to one day manage her own Art Direction agency while pursuing acting and writing. Writing is a favourite past time and a creative outlet for Nathalie. She loves to write children’s stories in her spare time.

NICHOLAS MCKAY is a poet, writer and editor, who has been published internationally in anthologies and online. Currently undertaking a Masters at Melbourne University, when he is not procrastinating, playing video games, or advocating mental health awareness, he is he is hoping to one day make a splash in the professional writing field.

STUART MURDOCH is an artist and sessional lecturer at Victoria University. He loves the act of creating using photography, and hopes to share his work and vision with many like-minded people via Instagram and any other means at his disposal. More on Stuart can be found here:

FOTINA MUSUMECI is currently studying for her Bachelor of Education. Fotina enjoys reading and writing short stories. It is something she always returns to.

MATTHEW NAQVI writes for Football Federation Victoria and Goal! Weekly. He has publications in Fight! Australia, SYN, Stereo Stories, Little Raven and Offset. He received a Professional Development Grant for an emerging
writer at the 2013 Hume City Council Arts Awards. He is also the co-host of 1700 on Channel 31.

ALEXANDER NUCCIO is a person, though if he really thought long and hard about it he would probably have to accept that he is a cat. He will one day look back at his hedonistic youth and say: "It was the best of times; it was the blurst of times.”

MARVIN OLIVERIA is a twenty year old currently studying first year Creative Arts Industries at Victoria University. Art, photography, good music and solitude are his main companions.

LEAH PLOTZ is first and foremost an American but fell in love with Norway and its language at an early age, moving there in her youth.She finds most of her inspiration in nature; in the crunch of snow under her boots and the shy sun of the North. You can follow her on twitter: @leahplotz

JENNIFER RAYNER is a non-fiction writer and researcher who occasionally moves to poetry as a distraction from the freezing Canberra winters. Her journalism and other writings have been featured in everything from the Jakarta Post to Inside Story.

ZACHARY RILEY is a third year Bachelor of Arts student at Victoria University, majoring in History and Sociology. Growing up in Frankston, much of Zachary’s subject matter pertains to the lived experiences of the working class. Zachary uses writing as a way to help express deeply held thoughts and emotions.

CHRIS ROWLEY is a writer and editor on his debut fiction manuscript. Having studied at RMIT, his work has appeared in various national, online and print publications and journals across the continent. Almost everything he writes features something strange and unusual within our known world. He also loves Ferris Wheels.

BIANCA RUHLAND is a part-time writer, hoping to go full time one day soon. She is also an animator, illustrator and a recent graduate of Deakin University. She enjoys reading and writing fantasy, young adult fiction and psychological horrors.

MEG SAMPSON is a first year Bachelor of Music student at Victoria University. She has a passion for performing and song writing and would love to make a career out of this. Meg has had singing lessons from the gge of nine and wrote her first song Friends not long after.

ZOE SIMBOLON is a Communications student at Victoria University. She lives in Melbourne and likes reading and writing about food and travel.

PAUL SOUTH is a part-time animal rescuer and devolving poet. His first book of poetry, Rats Live On No Evil Star, was published in January 2013. His is the winner of the 2013 Malthouse Theatre Award for Excellence in Creative Arts.

WAYNE STELLINI is a student at Victoria University, specialising in Professional Writing, Literature and History. Influenced by his passion for films, social justice and pop-culture, his writing includes short fiction and poetry. He is currently working on his first novel.

ALEXANDER STIMPSON is a visual artist based in Melbourne. He creates art because he likes the process of transferring thoughts into imagery. He works with a range of media including photography, drawing, painting, and tattoo. His aspiration is to start a sustainable artist community in Tasmania.

JOSHUA THAME is a student photographer, recently graduating from RMIT with a Certificate IV in Photo Imaging. His plans for the next couple of years are to complete his Diploma of Photo Imaging at RMIT and Bachelor of Arts at Monash University, whilst also completing personal photography projects that he hopes will be exhibited in galleries.

KIT TONG is a graphic designer, for digital and print communications. He is currently working for a financial company and has recently completed his Bachelor of Communications. Travelling is a reward, as it’s a journey to the unknown and he likes to capture images as he goes.

LILIAN TRAN is a print-based artist from Melbourne, undertaking Honours at RMIT University, Melbourne. Her work combines found imagery from old books and current print imagery, with a fascination into the human unconscious. Her experience of life as a whole is driven by her dream world and waking reality. - -

SIMON UPCOTT-BAYES is a student studying Professional Writing and Public Relations. He doesn’t really know where he wants to be in the future just as long as it has cake. And SWAG. You always have to have a SWAG. These days, however, you can find him with his head buried in a good book.

ANIL UZGUN is a young engineer completing the final year of his Bachelor of Architectural Engineering degree at Victoria University. He loves taking photos of nature and architecture around Melbourne.

KELLY WATSON is a dancer, who used to love drawing but has lost her passion for it and is now finding a new love for writing. She hopes one day she will start drawing again.

AMBER WAUGH is a third year Creative Arts Industries student with Majors in Visual Art and Creative Writing. She someday hopes to be able to educate others on the wonders of art, holds a fond love for her dog Audrey and is a keen collector of knickknacks and tea cups.

EMMA WOODWARD lives in Victoria on the Mornington Peninsula. She studied a Bachelor of Arts at Monash University, and has been looking for a real job ever since. This is Emma's first work of fiction to be published, and she is already dreaming of buying a farm and settling in to be a full-time author.

BRIEGA YOUNG is a third year Creative Arts Industries student. As a performance studies and writing major, she enjoys working in different facets of the creative industry, performing in musicals and writing her own songs and poems. In her spare time Briega enjoys adventures in op-shops and vintage stores.

A. ZAGANIDIS is a twenty year old Australian writer in his third year of a Bachelor of Communications. He enjoys reading, gaming and binge watching shows online. An aspiring novelist and editor, he is currently working on his first book, which would be finished he weren’t a procrastinating shit.

ANITA ZULJAN is an Art student graduate who majored in Professional Writing. She has a passion for literature and aspires to become a professional author in the near future. She has written a number of different pieces, including short stories, memoirs, hildren’s texts, poetry and lyrics. Currently, she is in the process of publishing her first book.