Offset 2014 Feature

Ted Takeshi Doré

Offset 2014 Feature Artist

Ted is a Melbourne based web and graphic designer, with a growing inclination towards illustration. He was co-founder and Creative Director of QuadrantPlus Media & Technology for 2 years and is now exploring other creative avenues. Ted has worked with a wide variety of clients, both creative and corporate, in Australia and abroad.


Van Badham

Offset 2014 Feature Writer

Van Badham has worked as ‘an art gallery attendant, principal boy, polejuggler, transcriptionist, speaking coach, accounts clerk, comic-book writer, dancing fairy and President of the National Union of Students. None of these jobs have qualified her for a career in retail, but they have all contributed to the black and malevolent humour of her dramatic work.’ Badham’s plays have been performed throughout Australia and in the UK and range in theme across a variety of political and social issues. Badham has been playwright-inresidence with Company Theatre Physical and with the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art. She has also taught creative writing at the University of Wollongong.


Ma Petite

Offset 2014 Feature Musician

Ma Petite is Melbourne born musician Indiana Avent’s solo project. After spending almost a decade in the music industry playing violin for artists such as Bon Iver, Soko, Dan Mangan, Gotye, Jordan Klassen, Lamplight, Zachary Lucky, and Treelines among others, Avent decided to put her own originals out into the world. Painting a tale of her dreams, experiences and aspirations, the little stories within the songs are brought to life with charmingly honest songwriting.The stories within the songs are brought to life by her band of incredibly talented musicians, who create a whimsical tapestry for Avent’s stories to be told.